What Are Tomorrow's World-Changing Companies Doing Today?

Alex Koyfman

Posted November 29, 2018

Dear Reader,

Last week, I stepped through the doors of my local Costco with a sense of dread building in my stomach. 

I dislike crowds with a passion, but what really drives me into a quiet, torturous inner rage is the type of crowd that appears with the onset of the holiday shopping season. 

This is the point in the year when large collections of bodies, extremities, and voices cease to be human and start exhibiting the behavioral patterns of different species. 

They start resembling flocks of birds or schools of fish, moving around more or less as one but lacking any sort of coherent leadership or observable goals. 

A big, mindless, instinct-driven horde, clattering around behind their oversized shopping carts, pushing, bumping, shoving their way from one end of the warehouse to the other, with no concept of time or consideration of a plan to escape. 

I spent the first two minutes fighting off spiking blood pressure, but then I came to the part of the store where they kept the televisions, and immediately, my urge to spontaneously scatter all of the particles in my body in different directions at close to the speed of light dissipated.

Windows to Another World

This was the moment when I first laid eyes upon the OLED television and realized that yes, the future was indeed here. 

The OLED, to those unfamiliar, is referred to as the “wallpaper” TV by its manufacturer because of the thickness of its screen. 

At around five millimeters, this screen, which looks and feels like a solid plate of glass, makes the previous generation of clunky, plastic-cased televisions look like ’90s-era projection screens by comparison. 

Of course, the image was amazing. The clearest, most fluid thing I’ve ever seen, with the brightest, most contrasting colors, and pixels so small that I had to question reality and wonder if I was, in fact, looking into a screen at all or through an interdimensional portal. 

It was certainly an incredible achievement, but since I’m a consumer, my brain immediately generated the next question. 

I know what they looked like 10 years ago. This is what they look like now. What could they possibly look like in another 10 years?

Will screens come rolled up, like cling wrap, to be suspended or pasted wherever their owners desire? Will there be screens at all, or will we view our favorite shows and movies as 3D renderings projected onto the air itself?

The possibilities are endless, but I will have to wait, along with everyone else, to see what the technical wizards will offer us next. 

As a consumer, I’m just like everyone else… jaded, quickly bored, never satisfied. 

But as an investor, I become a bit more human again, and my brain asks the most important, most substantive question: The companies that will be making these kinds of breakthroughs tomorrow — the robot builders and algorithm developers that will be transforming the world next year or in five or 10 years — where are they now?

The Company That Will Turn Today’s Smartphone into Tomorrow’s Nokia Is Still Unknown to Wall Street

Give a good answer to that question, and the reward will be infinitely greater than a few seconds of drooling over a super-thin television screen or a personal drone that follows you around everywhere you go, filming you from several feet in the air. 

The reward could be life changing. 

What I’d like to do today is share with you my source for information on the market-shaking, world-changing inventions of tomorrow. 

Ideas like an artificial intelligence-powered cognition test that can detect Alzheimer’s as early as any MRI, which you can take on an iPad while sitting in the waiting room before your next doctor’s appointment.

Or an advanced “microwave radar” that can scan entire groups of people as they pass through a hallway and determine if anybody is carrying potentially hazardous materials or devices, such as bombs, guns, or knives. 

Or a next-generation electrical motor that will probably make every existing electrical motor in the world, from the one in your watch to the kind that powers cruise ships, obsolete in the next five to eight years. 

Sounds interesting, right? Here’s the part that should really get those mental juices flowing:

All three of the innovations mentioned above, along with many, many more with the same industry-defining potential, will be brought to the consumer by companies that were formed specifically to create just one single product.

These inventions aren’t coming to you from the likes of Apple or Samsung, but from venture-level companies that are only now working toward establishing themselves and, in the cases of the three I mentioned above, opening a never-before-tapped market. 

To get this advanced glimpse of the products of tomorrow and see the companies working on them today, click here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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